Hi, everyone When I use sparsediag to diagnalize the Hamiltonian of Hubbard model, the paprameter is : CONSERVED_QUANTUMNUMBERS="Nup,Ndown" Nup_total=6 Ndown_total=6 the system size is L=12, no translation symmetry here, the process will take 100s, which is much slower than our own Davison code(It only take 20s).
if I add the measurements MEASURE_ENERGY="True" MEASURE_LOCAL[density]=n MEASURE_LOCAL[double occupancy]=U*double_occupancy MEASURE_CORRELATIONS[density matrix_up]="cdag_up:c_up" MEASURE_CORRELATIONS[density matrix_down]="cdag_down:c_down" the process will take 900s.
Does anyone know how to speed up this calculation? Or at least avoid the waste time on the measurements