The error that you see is not an ALPS problem, but an error from the Python interpreter saying that the variable “I” is not defined. You just have to define the parameter as a string: ‘t0' :-1.0*I, becomes: ‘t0’ : '-1.0*I',
-- ETH Zurich Michele Dolfi Institute for Theoretical Physics HIT G 32.4 Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 27 8093 Zurich Switzerland
dolfim@phys.ethz.ch www.itp.phys.ethz.ch
+41 44 633 78 56 phone +41 44 633 11 15 fax
On Oct 2, 2015, at 10:42 AM, Huaiming Guo hmguo@buaa.edu.cn wrote:
Dear Michele Dolfi, I use DMRG of alps with complex value. I use Complex=1 in the command line and that works. However when I use the expression in the python way, it return that “I is not defined”. I wonder how to write it in the python way. Thank you very much.
Sincerely, Huaiming Guo <parm.py>