Ok ! Thanks.
Then in order to be complete, the tutorial tutorial1a.py http://alps.comp-phys.org/static/tutorials2.0.0/ed-01-sparsediag/tutorial1a.py should maybe be slightly modified because the current version only displays one measurement of each observable per (Sz,k) sector even if there are many.
Adding one line
for sector in data[0]: print '\nSector with Sz =', sector[0].props['Sz'], print 'and k =', sector[0].props['TOTAL_MOMENTUM'] for s in sector: * for i in range(pyalps.size(s.y)):* if pyalps.size(s.y[i])==1: print s.props['observable'], ' : ', s.y[i] else: for (x,y) in zip(s.x,s.y[i]): print s.props['observable'], '(', x, ') : ', y
corrects this point even if then the order of printing is not totally satisfactory.
On 09/02/2010 05:24 PM, Matthias Troyer wrote:
On 2 Sep 2010, at 23:14, Jean-David Picon wrote:
Many thanks for both answers. It was actually not clear to me how to extract the degeneracy of each sector ....
Another question then : when I have a sector (Sz,k) with degeneracy 3,
It's not degeneracy. There are three states with different energies.
what is the exact meaning of the correlations S+(i)S-(j) on this sector ? More precisely, how do the 3 states contribute to the correlations ?
The correlations are measured for each of the states and stored separately. Loading them gives a 2D array