It's very hard to debug your configuration by e-mail. What seems to happen is that it links lapack functions with a trailing underscore although we are on an IBM machine (which does not use the _). That's why it cannot find the lapack function. The file
should automatically set the FORTRAN_ID macr to not use an underscore on your IBM machine which is then used in
Something must go wrong there on your setup although without access to the machine I cannot find out why FORTRAN_ID is set to the wrong value. Please try the following: In both files above replace
# define FORTRAN_ID( id ) id##_
# define FORTRAN_ID( id ) id
That should make it work. Once that works we need to go back and figure out why the wrong version was picked on your machine. Some macros must be messed up.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 10:06 AM, wrote:
Hello, we tried again following your suggestion but it stops again at the same point. What else can I do ? Best