Hi, I want to compile DWA from source on Linux. As far as I know "old" DWA verions from ALPS 2.2 work fine, but require ancient GCC (gcc at most 5.5). Newer DWA from ALPS 2.3 compiles ok with some of new compilers (at the very least with clang), but it quickly crashes with segmentation fault (Oskar Prosniak email from from 22/02/2018).
The problem is that it is not so easy to install gcc on a new machines these days, as gcc5 uses some deprecated header files which have been removed from glibc 2.28 and newer (ustat.h). Downgrading glibc is not really an option.
Is there any option these days to compole any version DWA from source, preferably 7650 (with the intent of make a few small changes to the source code) in such a way the updated DWA code can be deployed eg. on cluster (that is without using old linux distribution, without downgrading glibc, and preferably without gcc-5).
Best, Mateusz Łącki