I have created binary packages of ALPS 2.0.0b4 for Debian GNU/Linux (primary for sid(unstable), but should work also on squeeze(testing)).
The apt line is as follows (I also updated ALPS wiki):
deb http://alps.comp-phys.org/static/software/debian/sid ./ deb-src http://alps.comp-phys.org/static/software/debian/sid ./
Currently, I have only compiled amd64 packages.
I can run python-based tutorials with these binary packages[1], but if you find any bugs related to debian packaging, please open the trac ticket and assign to me(rigarash) or just report to the ML.
This packaging scheme can be applied of course to the Ubuntu system, I will try to build Ubuntu package (10.10) soon.
[1] Since all binaries/scripts are installed system-wide, use 'python' instead of 'alpspython'.