Thank you very much!
2013/9/8 Matthias Troyer
You can look at the DMFT codes if you want a DMFT solution of the Hubbard model. Simulating the Hubbard model is still very hard because of the sign problem and you need large supercomputers to get reliable results
On Sep 8, 2013, at 8:53 AM, Tao Ying wrote:
Thanks for your reply! Is there any QMC code on ALPS can do the fermion Hubbard model?
Best, TaoYing
2013/9/8 Matthias Troyer
The dirloop SSE code cannot do fermionic models because the sign problem would be horribly bad
On Sep 8, 2013, at 3:05, Tao Ying wrote:
Dear developers,
I want to simulate the fermion Hubbard model using dirloop_sse, how can I write the parameter file? I did the following:
LATTICE="square lattice"; L=8; W=8; MODEL="fermion Hubbard"; U = 5.0; V = 0.0; t = 1.0; T = 0.05; SWEEPS=2000; THERMALIZATION=5000; { mu=0.0; }
Then an error occured: Cannot convert fermionic operator to a bosonic matrix. What's wrong with it? If I want to measure the structure factor or correlation function, do I need to add the following in the parameter file? REPRESENTATION="SSE"; MEASURE[Correlations]=true; MEASURE[Structure Factor]=true; MEASURE[Green Function]=true;
Best, TaoYing -- Tao Ying, Ph.D candidate, Physics department Harbin Institute of Technology
-- Tao Ying, Ph.D candidate, Physics department Harbin Institute of Technology