Dear all,
I want to use the newest version of the ALPS Hybridization Expansion Impurity Solver from the nightly build 2.1.2-r6963. Compilation is successful, but when running the solver with a simple test case I get the following Error (I shortened the paths for readability):
hybridization parm.h5
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): No parameter available In [..]/alps/src/alps/ngs/detail/paramproxy.hpp on 78 in cast [..]applications/dmft/qmc/hybridization(_ZNK4alps6detail10paramproxy4castIiEET_v+0x13d) [0x42dbad] [..]applications/dmft/qmc/hybridization(_ZN13hybridizationC1ERKN4alps6paramsEi+0x10b8) [0x43f968] [..]applications/dmft/qmc/hybridization(main+0x103) [0x41dfe3] /lib64/ [0x7ffff415fcdd] [..]applications/dmft/qmc/hybridization() [0x41d409]
I tested a previous version 2.1.1-r6670 with identical compilation process on the same input files and it works flawlessly.
There seem to be some significant changes in this version: There is a new hybridization2 folder in applications/dmft/qmc/ and also the Documentation inside this directory vanished. Do I have to change something in my parm.h5 input file for this new version?
Thanks for your help. Best wishes, Steffen