Dear all Hi
I install ALPS, I try to make an example of simmilation I start with running ALPS programs using Python, but I have a problem in the input file,how I should run input file = pyalps.writeInputFiles ('part1', parms) .in writeInput file, I put the file name of my input file with*.py or what....? best regardsHocine
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr Hocine Ahmed LABORATORY FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS AND MATERIAL PHYSICS HASSIBA BENBOUALI UNIVERSITY BP. 151, 02000 CHLEF, ALGERIA Tel:+213790974582 ; mail:
Le Mercredi 20 août 2014 18h53, Matthias Troyer a écrit :
This is not direct;y supported by ALPS but you would have to write code to check the parity of the eigenstates
On 20 Aug 2014, at 19:07, hamid mosadegh wrote:
Dear all Is it possible to do the DMRG or ED calculations of fermion Hubbard model in the odd(even) parity sector using ALPS? I need to determine the minimum energies for eigenstates in the even and odd parity sectors. Thanks
-- H. Mosadeq Shahr-e-Kord University (SKU), Shahr-e-Kord , Iran