Hi Jun
Do you use the vispython command or call python directly?
Matthias Troyer
Sent from my iPad
On May 27, 2010, at 9:50 PM, jun wen jwen.nju@gmail.com wrote:
Hi All, I am a beginner to the ALPS and am eager to try the new version of ALPS.
I installed the alps-2.0.0b1-windows.exe and then python and Vistrails and finally alps-vistrails-2.0.0b1-windows.exe. Then I tried to run the tutorial in the Exact Diagonalization in the directory C:\Program Files\ALPS\tutorials\ed-01-sparsediag,
However, I could not either run tutorial1a.py or ed-01-sparsediag.vt. For the former, it said "ImportError: No module named pyalps", for later, it showed a command window and initializing something and reached "initializing abstraction "and would not proceed at all.
I wonder if anyone could help me on this issue. Thanks a lot!
Best, Jun