That worked in getting me past configure. Hopefully there should not be any issues finishing the compilation. Thanks a lot for your prompt and effective response.
Regards, Bhupender.
Bhupender Thakur. IT- Analyst, High Performance Computing, LSU. Ph (225)578-5934
________________________________________ From: [] on behalf of Matthias Troyer [] Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 2:57 PM To: Subject: Re: [ALPS-users] alps configure error on hpc cluster
It seems from this log that your path to the Boost installation is incorrect. You need to specify absolute paths to the root directory of the Boost source tree.
On May 28, 2013, at 10:10 AM, Bhupender Thakur wrote:
Ive attached the log which also has the contents of cmakecache. I had also previously tried to use our precompiled boost-1.53, but failed to get that to work. Cmake version Im using is 2.8.9. Please let me know if you need further information.
Bhupender Thakur. IT- Analyst, High Performance Computing, LSU. Ph (225)578-5934
From: [] on behalf of Matthias Troyer [] Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:53 AM To: Subject: Re: [ALPS-users] alps configure error on hpc cluster
Can you send the full log file and not the <snip> part that you sent and which does not include the actual error message?
On May 28, 2013, at 9:39 AM, Bhupender Thakur wrote:
I am trying to install /alps-2.1.1-r6832-src-with-boost in our hpc center. We have RHEL 6.2 installed.Mosty of the software is nfs mounted. I am failing to configure it with our hdf5 installation. Im trying to build it as
cmake \ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/project/packages/alps \ -D Boost_ROOT_DIR:PATH=../../boost \ -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF \ -D HDF5_DIR=/usr/local/packages/hdf5/1.8.10/gcc-4.4.6-openmpi-1.6.2 \ -D HDF5_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/packages/hdf5/1.8.10/gcc-4.4.6-openmpi-1.6.2/include \ -D HDF5_LIBRARIES=/usr/local/packages/hdf5/1.8.10/gcc-4.4.6-openmpi-1.6.2/lib/ \ -D ALPS_BUILD_FORTRAN=OFF \ -D FFTW_LIBRARIES=/usr/local/packages/fftw/3.3.2/gcc-4.4.6/lib \ -D LAPACK_LIBRARY=/usr/local/packages/lapack/3.4.0/gcc-4.4.6/lib/liblapack.a \ -D BLAS_LIBRARY=/usr/local/packages/lapack/3.4.0/gcc-4.4.6/lib/libblas.a \ -D FFTW_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/packages/fftw/3.3.2/gcc-4.4.6/include ..
We build most of our packages from source. Im using: gcc-4.4.6 (RHEL default) openmpi-1.6.2 hdf5-1.8.10 (serial or parallel) python-2.7.3 lapack/blas 3.4.0 fftw-3.3.2
Currently cmake fails to configure with the following error.
<snip> -- Found Boost Source: ../../boost -- Boost Version: __ -- Adding Boost dir: ../../boost -- MPI compiler was /usr/local/packages/openmpi/1.6.2/gcc-4.4.6/bin/mpicxx -- LAPACK DEBUG::LAPACK_LIBRARY = /usr/local/packages/lapack/3.4.0/gcc-4.4.6/lib/liblapack.a -- LPSolve Library: not found -- Could NOT find SZIP (missing: SZIP_LIBRARIES SZIP_INCLUDE_DIRS) -- HDF5: /usr/local/packages/hdf5/1.8.10/gcc-4.4.6-openmpi-1.6.2/include /usr/local/packages/hdf5/1.8.10/gcc-4.4.6-openmpi-1.6.2/lib/ HDF5_DLL-NOTFOUND;HDF5_HL_DLL-NOTFOUND -- Python interpreter /usr/local/packages/Python/2.7.3/gcc-4.4.6/bin/python -- Python interpreter ok : version 2.7.3 -- PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS = /usr/local/packages/Python/2.7.3/gcc-4.4.6/include/python2.7 -- PYTHON_NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR = /usr/local/packages/Python/2.7.3/gcc-4.4.6/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include -- PYTHON_SITE_PKG = /usr/local/packages/Python/2.7.3/gcc-4.4.6/lib/python2.7/site-packages -- PYTHON_LIBRARY = /usr/local/packages/Python/2.7.3/gcc-4.4.6/lib/python2.7/config/libpython2.7.a -- PYTHON_EXTRA_LIBS =-lpthread -ldl -llapack -lblas -lutil -- PYTHON_LINK_FOR_SHARED = -Xlinker -export-dynamic -- Numpy include in /usr/local/packages/Python/2.7.3/gcc-4.4.6/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include -- ALPS XML dir is /project/bthakur/packages/alps/lib/xml -- HDF5: /usr/local/packages/hdf5/1.8.10/gcc-4.4.6-openmpi-1.6.2/include /usr/local/packages/hdf5/1.8.10/gcc-4.4.6-openmpi-1.6.2/lib/ HDF5_DLL-NOTFOUND;HDF5_HL_DLL-NOTFOUND;HDF5_DLL-NOTFOUND;HDF5_HL_DLL-NOTFOUND -- HDF5: /usr/local/packages/hdf5/1.8.10/gcc-4.4.6-openmpi-1.6.2/include /usr/local/packages/hdf5/1.8.10/gcc-4.4.6-openmpi-1.6.2/lib/ HDF5_DLL-NOTFOUND;HDF5_HL_DLL-NOTFOUND;HDF5_DLL-NOTFOUND;HDF5_HL_DLL-NOTFOUND -- tebd will not be built -- HDF5: /usr/local/packages/hdf5/1.8.10/gcc-4.4.6-openmpi-1.6.2/include /usr/local/packages/hdf5/1.8.10/gcc-4.4.6-openmpi-1.6.2/lib/ HDF5_DLL-NOTFOUND;HDF5_HL_DLL-NOTFOUND;HDF5_DLL-NOTFOUND;HDF5_HL_DLL-NOTFOUND -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
I have tried various options but ended with same error. It seems its hdf5 library which is not detected correctly. The library is in path though. Maybe Im missing something very simple. Any help would be appreciated.
Regards, Bhupender.