Dear Fu-Jiun Jiang,
On 2009/04/23, at 23:39, Fu-Jiun Jiang ITP wrote:
When install the ALPS with lapack being supported, what command should be used? In the instruction, it is said --with-lapack-dir=/path/to/my/lapack/ --with-lapack="-l my_lapack". Is it true that first one should point to where the lapack library is. How about the second one? Thanks.
In many cases, lapack installation will be found automatically without any options. If this is not the case, please your system administrator about the linker options to link your program against lapack. For example, if you are linking liblapack.a and libblas.a in /path/to/my/lapack, then the configure options should be
--with-lapack-dir=/path/to/my/lapack --with-lapack="-llapack -lblas"