Matthias Troyer wrote:
Cannot evaluate expression Sminus(i)
You have not defined any operator Sminus
There is one defined. The Hamiltonian is "spin", the lattice is "spin lattice" (both from the libraries I attached previously).
You need to define it for each basis set you define - you cannot mix operators from different basis sets.
I am not sure, what you mean. I understand that operators are defined in SITEBASIS, then BASIS references SITEBASIS. Then Hamiltonian references BASIS, and the Hamiltonian terms can use the operators.
My input files are attached to this message. They are similar to the Kondo lattice model in the tutorial libraries.
Cezary Sliwa
LATTICE="test lattice" MODEL = "test hamiltonian" LATTICE_LIBRARY="test_lattice.xml" MODEL_LIBRARY="test_model.xml" Lx=1 Ly=1 Lz=1 J=1 T=0.08 THERMALIZATION=1000 SWEEPS=20000 {h=0;} {h=0.1;} {h=0.2;} {h=0.3;} {h=0.4;} {h=0.5;} {h=0.6;} {h=0.7;} {h=0.8;} {h=0.9;} {h=1.0;} SWEEPS=10000; {h=1.2;} {h=1.4;} {h=1.6;} {h=1.8;} {h=2.0;} {h=2.2;} {h=2.4;} {h=2.5;}