I'm affraid you can't work with complex numbers, yet. Probably next version will, we are working on it.
zhian asadzadeh wrote:
Hi Dear,
Thank you very much for your consideration. yes my model mixes states with different Sz. let me know DMRG works with complex vectors or not? and Can I change the basis which DMRG works in it?
Thanks a lot Mohammad.
On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 2:30 PM, <comp-phys-alps-users-request@phys.ethz.ch mailto:comp-phys-alps-users-request@phys.ethz.ch> wrote:
Send Comp-phys-alps-users mailing list submissions to comp-phys-alps-users@phys.ethz.ch <mailto:comp-phys-alps-users@phys.ethz.ch> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit https://webmail.phys.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/comp-phys-alps-users or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to comp-phys-alps-users-request@phys.ethz.ch <mailto:comp-phys-alps-users-request@phys.ethz.ch> You can reach the person managing the list at comp-phys-alps-users-owner@phys.ethz.ch <mailto:comp-phys-alps-users-owner@phys.ethz.ch> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: Contents of Comp-phys-alps-users digest..." Today's Topics: 1. Operator definition (zhian asadzadeh) 2. Re: Operator definition (Adrian E. Feiguin) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Message: 1 Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 15:11:34 +0330 From: zhian asadzadeh <zhian.asadzadeh@gmail.com <mailto:zhian.asadzadeh@gmail.com>> Subject: [ALPS-users] Operator definition To: comp-phys-alps-users@phys.ethz.ch <mailto:comp-phys-alps-users@phys.ethz.ch> Message-ID: <89e5d6760902280341r7ca16b5fm506e562c4f043c64@mail.gmail.com <mailto:89e5d6760902280341r7ca16b5fm506e562c4f043c64@mail.gmail.com>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Hi All, I am using DMRG for my problem, I need to calculate expectation value of Y component of Spin operator (Sy) , As a result, I need to define it in the model.xml file. How I can define it? I tried with Sy(i)=1/(2*sqrt(-1))*(Splus(i)-Sminus(i)), but I got incorrect results. I will be very appreciate if someone could help me? Thank you very much, Mohammad.