I recently installed ALPS (lib+apps), release version 1.2.2 and played a while also with a Live CD shipped with 1.3.2.
Am I right that the tutorial on the web site are referred to the pre-release 1.3 ? In particular, using the same input files, with sparsediag of 1.2.2 I cannot produce any output as far as correlations are concerned while with 1.3.2 I can. What I find misleading is that with 1.2.2 I had no complain message about the parameters MEASURE_CORRELATIONS, that seem to be simply ignored.
Well, apart from that, I find the implementation of TOTAL_MOMENTUM very useful (again it seems to be active only with 1.3.2). I wonder if the eigenvalue can be selected from input...how?
More generally, which is the syntax to select two or more compatible quantum numbers?
I'm sorry but I couldn't find this last point on the wiki pages.
Cheers, Cristian