Yes, now it works, thanks!
Kind regards Daniel
Use h and not H for the magnetic field - does that change things?
On 29 Feb 2012, at 21:42, daniel.aravena wrote:
One example of input file is:
LATTICE_LIBRARY=/home/g1daniel/ALPS_LATT/latt02.xml MODEL="Heisenberg" LATTICE="4_graph" UPDATE="local" CONVENTION="quantum" THERMALIZATION=1000000 SWEEPS=10000000 S0=1 J0=0 g=2.0 T=1.0 {H=0} {H=1} {H=10} {H=100} {H=1000} {H=10000} {H=100000} {H=1000000} {H=10000000} {H=100000000} {H=1000000000} {H=10000000000}
the "4_graph" lattice is:
<GRAPH name="4_graph" vertices="4"> <VERTEX id="1" type="0"></VERTEX> <VERTEX id="2" type="0"></VERTEX> <VERTEX id="3" type="0"></VERTEX> <VERTEX id="4" type="0"></VERTEX> <EDGE type="0" source="1" target="2"/> <EDGE type="0" source="1" target="3"/> <EDGE type="0" source="1" target="4"/> </GRAPH>
Thanks for your answer.
Kind regards Daniel
On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 09:28:01 +0100, Matthias Troyer wrote:
Can you please send your input file? Do you use local or cluster updates?
On Feb 23, 2012, at 3:24 PM, wrote:
Dear all,
I am performing some tests using spinmc (alps 2.0, Heisenberg model) on uncoupled spins changing the number and magnitude of spins at different fields. There are some things in the results that I dont understand:
The energy is always zero, independently of the magnitude of the field for the uncoupled case, if I put a coupling constant, then I get as expected a non-zero value for the energy, but it is still non-dependent on field as it should be because of the Zeeman term.
In a previous post, it is said that the susceptibility is calculated from magnetization^2, so it should work while M is linear on H, is there a way to get the dependence of susceptibility against field as the system approaches to saturation?
And regarding the direction of field, setting H=1 means: Hz=1 Hx, Hy and Hz=1 Hx^2+Hy^2+Hz^2=1^2 , Hx=Hy=Hz or something else?
I also tried to set H="0 0 1" and the program runs, but i dont know what I am actually getting.
Any comments are welcome
Kind Regards Daniel