Dear all,
I am trying to simulate the hard-core boson model on a square lattice using the ALPS's (alps-2.0.2-r5790-src-with-boost) dirloop_sse as follows:
LATTICE="square lattice" L=12
MODEL="hardcore boson" V = 1 T = 0.05 t = 1
{ mu=-4; } { mu=-3.5; } { mu=-3; } { mu=-2.5; } { mu=-2; } { mu=-1.5; } { mu=-1; } { mu=-0.5; } { mu=0; } { mu=0.1; } { mu=0.2; } { mu=0.3; } { mu=0.4; }
However, I get almost the same problem as was reported by another user on O2 May 2012, at 08:20 (no subject):
Created run 1 locally Starting task 9. Checking if it is finished: not yet, next check in 10 seconds ( 0% done). Checking if it is finished: not yet, next check in 10 seconds ( 1% done). Checking if it is finished: not yet, next check in 180 seconds ( 3% done). NUMBER_OF_WORMS_PER_SWEEP: 10 Checking if it is finished: not yet, next check in 143 seconds ( 26% done).
Internal error: size of prob table is zero.
I mention that I did use the same ALPS version some time back for a very similar run but faced no issues then. Moreover, the hopping t is not zero in my case, as was seemingly the problem for the other user. I have tried adjusting the thermalization and sweeps a little, but to no effect unfortunately.
Any advice on what I am doing wrong is greatly appreciated.
Regards, Vipin