On 13 Jul 2007, at 04:46, armin.sauter@uni-ulm.de wrote:
Dirloop should not work on that model. I'll check this. Did you not get an error message?
No error messages.
I checked it. There is indeed no error message in sse or worms. We'll update this for the final release.
You should never set CONSERVED_QUANTUMNUMBERS=Sz for models that do not conserve Sz, such as your model.
Sx(i)*Sx(j) = 1/2*exchange_xy + 1/4*(Splus(i)*Splus(j)+Sminus(i)*Sminus(j))
The results for the energy are the same without the second term. Could there be an automatic restriction of the base?
Splus(i)*Splus(j) and similar terms are indeed not supported by the worm and sse algorithms, but the codes do not give error messages and just ignore them for now. We'll fix that.