Ok I try to see it...anyway I also want to upgrade ALPS with the latest version. I try to reinstall everything then I'll write to you.
Thank you again for the help. Rachele
2012/2/15 Matthias Troyer troyer@phys.ethz.ch
That file works for me, but I have ALPS 2.0.2. If you used ALPS 2.0.0 and did the change you made below it should also work - are you sure that you use the newly built version of spinmc. Try the following:
ls -l `which spinmc`
and compare the date of that executable to the sate when you changed the source file.
Also, the parameter BOUNDARY type does not exist and will be ignored.
On Feb 15, 2012, at 11:02 AM, Rachele Nerattini wrote:
The one I wrote below is the complete input file that I use...is it incomplete?
I have installed the version of ALPS 2.0.0
Thank you
2012/2/14 Matthias Troyer troyer@phys.ethz.ch
Which version of ALPS are you using? O(4) models work for me in ALPS. Can you send your full input files? In your input below the following line should not work:
BOUNDARY type="periodic"
On Feb 14, 2012, at 5:08 PM, Rachele Nerattini wrote:
Dear Mr Troyer,
thank you very much for the quick and helpfulness answer. For what concerns the last point:
- Some months ago I wrote to you to ask if it could be possible to run
a classical MC simulation for an O(4) model. in the tutorials you say that it can be done simply editing the spin_factory.C file. I tried but still it doesn't work. I'm afraid I made some mistakes in the installation of the ALPS library on my PC. Did you add this option in the new version 2.0?
What did not work? it should be very easy to add it. Can you tell me what you tried to do and what the problem was?
I modified the file spinmc_factory.C adding:
else if (parms["MODEL"]=="O(4)") return new SpinSim<ONMoment<4>,MIdMatrix<double,4>
then I open a terminal, I went into the folder
then I wrote
make install
the program did the installation. Then I wrote the input file
LATTICE_LIBRARY="lattices.xml" LATTICE="simple cubic lattice" L=8 J=1 THERMALIZATION=10000 SWEEPS=50000 UPDATE="cluster" MODEL="O(4)" BOUNDARY type="periodic" S=1 {T=0.8;}
and it retrns the following error line:
O(4) model not implemented in file factory.C
I'm sorry I'm not expert in programming at all...
Thank you for you help,
with best regards
Rachele Nerattini
2012/2/14 Matthias Troyer troyer@phys.ethz.ch
On Feb 14, 2012, at 1:35 PM, Rachele Nerattini wrote:
Dear Mr Troyer,
I'm using ALPS to run MC simulations of classical Ising, XY and
Heisenberg models in three dimensions. I want to study how the critical values of some observables varies with L in a regular cubic lattice so I run the simulations at T_c (critical value of the temperature).
I know that at the phase transition you have strong correlation in the
system and it is difficult to obtain values of the observables with convergence on the errors. For this reasons I have the following questions:
- Errors on the observables are given with three different levels of
'accuracy': converged (white), check the convergence (yellow), not converged (red).
How does the program test if the convergence is achieved? I mean I see
the program evaluate the errors dividing the total number of steps in groups of binning and then evaluating the errors group by group. I suppose that it says that the convergence is achieved if the errors in different groups vary less then some interval that is fixed...is it true? Which is the test that it does?
The best will be if you look at the details of the binning analysis, as explained in tutorial MC-01. If the errors converge as a function of the bin size we mark it as converged, if they still increase slightly (which might just be a statistical fluctuation) mark it as yellow, and if it is clearly not converged we mark it as red. Still, to be sure you should always look at it yourself.
- I suppose Tau is the correlation time. Does the program take into
account the value of Tau in the final valuation of the errors? I mean, are those errors already multiplied by the sqrt of tau as it must be in case of correlations, or must be corrected bye the value of tau that is given?
Indeed it is multiplied by sqrt(1+2tau). Well, actually, sqrt(1+2tau) and thus tau is determined from the ratio between converged and naive error. But, to answer your question, the error indeed includes autocorrelation effects.
- Since the correlation is strong at T_c do you think that it could
be easier to get to convergence if we change the initial configuration of the MC? For example we could run a simulation for a while then take the last configuration it uses to evaluate the values of observables and then use this last configuration as the input configuration for a new run...can it be done in some way?
Yes, that could be done, it however will not help much. The time needed to equilibrate is of the same order as the autocorrelation time, and if you cannot afford to equilibrate you will also not be able to get many uncorrelated measurements.
- Some months ago I wrote to you to ask if it could be possible to
run a classical MC simulation for an O(4) model. in the tutorials you say that it can be done simply editing the spin_factory.C file. I tried but still it doesn't work. I'm afraid I made some mistakes in the installation of the ALPS library on my PC. Did you add this option in the new version 2.0?
What did not work? it should be very easy to add it. Can you tell me what you tried to do and what the problem was?
I hope this helps
Matthias Troyer