Dear Mateusz,
We recently improved the Lapack detection, specially for MKL, but no official release is using the improved method yet. If you want to try it, you can use the nightly builds.
In your case, with ALPS 2.1.1-r6176, you have to use the MKL env variable. The value of MKL should be the command line given by the MKL linker advisor In your case I guess it could look like: export MKL=" -L$MKLROOT/lib -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lpthread -lm"
Best, Michele
-- ETH Zurich Michele Dolfi Institute for Theoretical Physics HIT G 32.4 Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 27 8093 Zurich Switzerland
+41 44 633 78 56 phone +41 44 633 11 15 fax
Il giorno 28-dic-2012, alle ore 23:20, Mateusz Łącki ha scritto:
Dear All, I am trying to install alps 2.1.1 - perhaps this will sove "Avoided problem" problem in my worm calculation.
So far I haveproblems in setuping lapack. Installation of alps 2.0.2 took a week altogether to set up an modify the configfiles, but I have read that thenew version has updated installer so I suppose "old" tricks are just notappropriate.
I wish to report I am stuck with:
-- Using intel/mkl library: /opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.7.256/mkl CMake Error at config/FindLapack.cmake:43 (STRING): string sub-command REGEX, mode REPLACE needs at least 6 arguments total to command. Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:304 (find_package)
This is FindLapack.cmake:
39 IF($ENV{MKL} MATCHES "mkl") 40 MESSAGE(STATUS "Using intel/mkl library: $ENV{MKL}") 41 #look for the path where the mkl is installed 42 STRING(REGEX MATCHALL "[-][L]([^ ;])+" MKL_PATH_WITH_PREFIX "$ENV{MKL}") 43 STRING(REGEX REPLACE "[-][L]" "" MKL_PATHS ${MKL_PATH_WITH_PREFIX}) 44 ENDIF($ENV{MKL} MATCHES "mkl")
"CMakeLists.txt:304" is a bigger mystery as there are plenty of those files, butonly two of them contain line 304:
*********** ./alps/CMakeLists.txt ********* 300 301 # Lapack 302 if (NOT ALPS_FOR_VISTRAILS) 303 if (NOT LAPACK_FOUND) 304 find_package(Lapack) 305 endif (NOT LAPACK_FOUND) 306 if (LAPACK_FOUND) 307 set(ALPS_HAVE_LAPACK 1) 308 set(ALPS_HAVE_BLAS 1) 309 endif(LAPACK_FOUND)
*********** ./alps/src/boost/CMakeLists.txt ********* 300 set_target_properties(boost PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS BOOST_THREAD_BUILD_LIB=1) 301 endif(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) 302 endif(WIN32) 303 304 if (NOT ALPS_BUILD_SOURCE) 305 if(MSVC) 306 get_target_property(LIB_NAME ${ALPS_BOOST_LIBRARY_NAME} LOCATION) 307 add_custom_command(TARGET ${ALPS_BOOST_LIBRARY_NAME} POST_BUILD 308 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${LIB_NAME} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin) 309 endif(MSVC)
Somehow i feel that the first one is the right one.
My envs:
lacki@mieczyslaw:~/alps-2.1.1-r6176-src $ echo $MKL /opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.7.256/mkl
Regards, Mateusz Łącki