I still don't understand. The raw time series will probably not be relevant since it depends on details of the program, compiler, optimizer, and random number generator. Are you interested in the measurement results? I don't understand what you mean by "energy histogram for each lattice size"
On Dec 14, 2013, at 22:03, "Ionel Bogdan Guster" s6iogust@uni-bonn.de wrote:
Dear Mr. Troyer,
I was thinking about the data generated by the MC simulations, the raw data, like the generated values for energy/energy density, the number of bins, the width of the bins, the value/counts in every bin, so I can make the energy histogram for each lattice size that I would like and compare it with my own C++ simulation afterwards. I am sorry for being so vague in the previous e-mail! Thank you!
Regards, Bogdan