Hi Riping Wang,
the DMFT code itself does not support MPI. However, the impurity solvers do. So where you run the impurity solver (in your parameter file there’s a line SOLVER=….) you can change this to SOLVER=‘mpirun -np XX …’ and this will start MPI for your solver.
I hope this clarifies it.
Best regards, Emanuel
On Apr 4, 2016, at 8:31 AM, Wang Riping wangriping@outlook.com wrote:
Dear all,
Can any one tell me how to run dmft calculation with parallel?
There is no MPI parameter in pyalps.runDMFT.
I tested dmft-02-dybridization in the tutorial. The manual states that the solver can be set as "mpirun -np process hybridization". But this way can not work to submit job to cluster.
However, I need to use a bash file submit the job to cluster.
Could anybody help me?
Best regards. Riping Wang 2016.4.4
Mr. Riping WANG Postdoc Center for Superfunctional Materials, Advanced Material Research Building(Office-114), Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, UNIST-gil 50, Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea. Tel:(+86) 13693675973 Email: wangriping@outlook.com mailto:wangriping@outlook.com Website: http://www.unist.ac.kr/ http://www.unist.ac.kr/