Dear All: Another update: it seems that it is possible to avoid the problem I mentioned by partitioning list of input cases into several files, that is
parm5a: {T=1} {T=2} {T=3} ...
I have parm5a_1: {T=1} {T=2} parm5a_2: {T=3} {T=4} parm5a_3: {T=5} {T=6} ...
and this works.
I have no idea why though... All in all it seems I am able to do the computation within worm 2.0.2, but nevertheless I think I am still reporting the issue before as annoying problem.
Regards, Mateusz Łącki
Le Dec 28, 2012 à 10:03 AM, Mateusz Łącki a écrit :
One more thing: I am using worm 2.02 - perhaps this is something fixed in 2.1.....