First, you have to define your 6-site lattice (or graph). Please see
In the lattice definition, you can specify a "type" for each bond. (see "colored graph" example in the tutorial.)
Then, in the parameter file, you can assign different coupling constants for different types, e.g.
MODEL = "spin" J0 = 1.0 // coupling constant for bonds of type 0 J1 = 2.0 J2 = 0.5
On 2009/03/10, at 19:04, Guilin Zhuang wrote:
Dear teacher! I am interested in the magnetic simulation by using SSE package. I have a system of the cluster, including six cobalt. The hamiltonian is as follow: H=-2{J1*[ S1*S2 + S4*S5 ] + J2*[ S2*S3 + S6*S5 ] + J3*[ S3*S4 + S1*S6 ]} How do I write the model? I have read the model.xml file in the ALPS software. But the example is almost infinite system, but not isolate system in the file. Please help me!