Dear Matthias, i defined manualy HDF5_LIBRARIES=(correct path)/lib/ -D HDF5_INCLUDE_DIR=(correct path)/include/
and it is now ok.
Regards, Mateusz
2011/11/23, Matthias Troyer
You seem to have two HDF5 installations. Id tou don't need the tebd program then just turn ALPS_BUILD_FORTRAN off. Otherwise please manually set the HDF libraries.
On Nov 23, 2011, at 9:15 AM, Mateusz Łącki wrote:
I tried to try this and did not work for similar reasons. I retried today and hopefully thi will work. On the other hand i saw a new message that did not show before (the difference is that i had unpacked the the *tar.gz file just before that). The message is:
CMake Warning at applications/dmrg/tebd/CMakeLists.txt:12 (add_executable): Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target tebd because files in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories:
runtime library [] in /usr/lib64 may be hidden by files in: /opt/hdf5-1.8.5-intel/lib
Some of these libraries may not be found correctly.
The file applications/dmrg/tebd/CMakeLists.txt does not exist (I suppose it was not created due to this error). On the other hand i think boost has been successfully located now - but I did not compile due to the mentioned error. What is it ?
this is the command i execute just after untaring:
cmake -D Boost_ROOT_DIR:PATH=/home/stefan/al/alps-2.0.2-r5790-src-with-boost/boost -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/stefan/alps202/ -DQMC_BITS=64 -DBLAS_LIBRARY= -DLAPACK_LINKER_FLAGS=-lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lmkl_intel_lp64 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=icpc -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=icc -DCMAKE_FORTRAN_COMPILER=ifort -DALPS_BUILD_FORTRAN=ON -DALPS_ENABLE_OPENMP=ON -DALPS_Fortran_FLAGS=-openmp -DBoost_MPI_LIBRARY=/usr/lib64/openmpi/lib/ -DBoost_MPI_LIBRARY_RELEASE=/usr/lib64/openmpi/lib/ /home/stefan/al/alps-2.0.2-r5790-src-with-boost/alps/
i have also performed modification indicating earlier: i added intel64 directory for lapack search and "-L" before ENV{MKL} in the findlapack.cmake
I also include the new CMakeCache.txt.
For the trouble with boost linking: I would like to postpone this thread until after the tebd problem will be dealt with.
I also have a quesion: where the code responsible for printing the message is located?
i tried this: for i in `find . -name "*txt"`; do grep "runtime search path" $i; done for i in `find . -name "*cmake"`; do grep "runtime search path" $i; done for i in `find . -name "*efile"`; do grep "runtime search path" $i; done
but it did not find anything.
Regards, Mateusz Lacki
2011/11/22, Matthias Troyer
Have you tried just using the Boost source and letting ALPS compile it?
On Nov 22, 2011, at 5:15 PM, Mateusz Łącki wrote:
Dear All, I am still trying to compile alps using icc. I have run to a new error:
lacki@scud:~/alps/alps-2.0.2-r5790-src-with-boost/alps-2.0.2-r5790-src-with-boost/alps $ make xmlparser [100%] Built target alps Linking CXX executable xmlparser ../../src/alps/ undefined reference to `void boost::mpi::broadcastboost::mpi::packed_iarchive(boost::mpi::communicator const&, boost::mpi::packed_iarchive&, int)' ../../src/alps/ undefined reference to `boost::mpi::exception::exception(char const*, int)' ../../src/alps/ undefined reference to `boost::mpi::communicator::barrier() const' (............) ../../src/alps/ undefined reference to `boost::mpi::communicator::operator ompi_communicator_t*() const' ../../src/alps/ undefined reference to `boost::mpi::environment::~environment()' ../../src/alps/ undefined reference to `boost::mpi::communicator::size() const' ../../src/alps/ undefined reference to `void boost::mpi::communicator::sendboost::mpi::packed_oarchive(int, int, boost::mpi::packed_oarchive const&) const' make[3]: *** [test/parser/xmlparser] Error 1 make[2]: *** [test/parser/CMakeFiles/xmlparser.dir/all] Error 2 make[1]: *** [test/parser/CMakeFiles/xmlparser.dir/rule] Error 2
while trying to do "make". The exact make subcommand it corresponds to is "make xmlparser"
I enclose my config files.
here is a quotation from: alps/config/FindBoostForALPS.cmake
# We do not require Boost.MPI, therefore check whether Boost.MPI exists # before actual find_package for Boost. # - Ubuntu 10.10 does not have Boost.MPI package. find_package(Boost 1.43.0 COMPONENTS mpi) if (Boost_FOUND)
it seem contradictory with previous message. Also when i try to set boost_mpi directory to /usr/lib64/openmpi/lib where there is pressing "c" for doing "configure" ereases the path that i have just put in - why is that ?
The same linking error appears if I set the path to boost_root_dir correctly - in that case manual specification of location of binary libboost_mpi is no longer an option
Regards, Mateusz <CMC.txt>