dearl all,
I've using the ''alternative fermion Hubbard'' model, with open boundary conditions, and analyzing its single-particle correlations, <cdag_up:c_up>. I'm not being able however to compute these observables for larger lattices, e.g., L=~160. I'm getting a "segmentation fault" message, does anybody know why is happening this error, maybe due to memory? If so, what would be good parameters in order to avoid it?
Here is the script i'm using:
LATTICE="open chain lattice" MODEL="alternative fermion Hubbard" CONSERVED_QUANTUMNUMBERS="N,Sz,Nup,Ndown" N_total=160 Sz_total=0 Nup_total=80 Ndown_total=80 mu=0 t=1 NUMBER_EIGENVALUES=1 L=160 MAXSTATES=100 MEASURE_CORRELATIONS[cdag_up c_up]="cdag_up:c_up" {U = 9.000000e-01,V=5.500000e-01,TRUNCATION_ERROR=1e-7}
regards, Fernando.