Indeed, ~ is not supported by CMake - you need to specify full paths.
On Jan 21, 2011, at 4:34 PM, Munehisa Matsumoto wrote:
Dear Kruno and Benoît,
I finally reproduced the problem by setting the following in my initial cmake command
instead of
which I usually do. It might help to do "${HOME}/" instead of "~/" in your cmake.
best regards, Munehisa Matsumoto
Munehisa MATSUMOTO Department of Physics University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 E-mail:
On 2011/01/19, at 3:02, Krunoslav Prsa wrote:
Hi, I get the same problem when installing on the brutus clustur...
Best wishes, Kruno
Dr. Krunoslav Prsa, Postdoc Dynamics of strongly correlated materials Laboratory for Solid State Physics Building/Office: HPF/E15.1 Schafmattstrasse 16, ETH Zürich Hönggerberg, CH-8093 Switzerland. Office phone: +41 44 633 22 96 Lab phone: +41 44 633 23 01 Mobile phone: +41 76 386 17 99
-----Original Message----- From: Prsa Krunoslav [] Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 8:50 AM To: Subject: FW: [ALPS-users] error at installation for
From: on behalf of benoît grémaud[SMTP:GREMAUD.BENOIT@GMAIL.COM] Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 8:50:21 AM To: Subject: [ALPS-users] error at installation for Auto forwarded by a Rule
I am compiling alps2.0.0-- -r5363 on a linux machine (fedora) with intel compilers and mkl
I use boost provided by alps. python version is 2.6.4
the cmake command is as follows:
cmake -D Boost_ROOT_DIR:PATH=~/alps/alps-2.0.0-r5363-src-with-boost/boost -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/alps/alps-2.0.0-r5363 -D LAPACK_64_BIT=ON -DLPSOLVE_ROOT=~/alps/lp_solve_4.0 ~/alps/alps-2.0.0-r5363-src-with-boost/alps
cmake, make, make test, all went fine. however, I got the following error during the install:
CMake Error at lib/pyalps/cmake_install.cmake:41 (FILE): file INSTALL cannot find "/home/gremaud/alps/alps-2.0.0-r5363/lib/pyalps/". Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake_install.cmake:94 (INCLUDE)
I checked that before the installation the file existed. Strangely enough, after the preceding error, it has disappeared.
any clue of what happened?
Benoît Grémaud
Researcher at CNRS, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (Paris, France)
Visiting Associate Professor at the Centre for Quantum Technologies (NUS, Singapore)