This is strange since I regularly run this on OS X. Can you please send the files archive and archive2plot.xsl ?
On Dec 5, 2006, at 12:39 PM, Austen Lamacraft wrote:
Just to update this thread. After conferring with a colleague using Xalan I found that the command
" xsltproc ~/ALPS/lib/xml/plot2xsl.xsl plot.xml > archive2plot.xsl "
gives the same result on both our systems. However,
" xsltproc archive2plot.xsl archive > plot "
does not, despite the fact that our versions of "archive2plot.xsl" and "archive" are both identical
I concluded this was an XSLT processor problem. I was using the version of xsltproc that comes with Mac OS X Tiger (1.1.11). Since then I've tried 1.1.15 (Fink binary) and built 1.1.17 using Fink as well as trying the 1.1.17 binary from
In each case the problem is the same: no points are extracted. I realize this is not an ALPS problem per se, but does anyone have any advice regarding xsltproc in OS X?
I could try switching to Xalan...
On 9 Nov 2006, at 16:09, Austen Lamacraft wrote:
An elementary question from a beginner user...
I can't get the simplest plot file examples given in the ToolsHOWTO or Tutorial:ClassicalMCSimulations to work.
While extracttext, extractxmgr and direct evaluation using xsltproc all work without complaining , no points are extracted e.g. from the task files produced by the one-dimensional Heisenberg simulation in Tutorial:ClassicalMCSimulations.
Thus although the plots produced by
extractxmgr plot.xml parm2a.task*.out.xml > result.xmgr
are correctly labeled, there are no points. Any ideas?