Dear All, I am trying to install alps 2.1.1 - perhaps this will sove "Avoided problem" problem in my worm calculation.
So far I haveproblems in setuping lapack. Installation of alps 2.0.2 took a week altogether to set up an modify the configfiles, but I have read that thenew version has updated installer so I suppose "old" tricks are just notappropriate.
I wish to report I am stuck with:
-- Using intel/mkl library: /opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.7.256/mkl CMake Error at config/FindLapack.cmake:43 (STRING): string sub-command REGEX, mode REPLACE needs at least 6 arguments total to command. Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:304 (find_package)
This is FindLapack.cmake:
39 IF($ENV{MKL} MATCHES "mkl") 40 MESSAGE(STATUS "Using intel/mkl library: $ENV{MKL}") 41 #look for the path where the mkl is installed 42 STRING(REGEX MATCHALL "[-][L]([^ ;])+" MKL_PATH_WITH_PREFIX "$ENV{MKL}") 43 STRING(REGEX REPLACE "[-][L]" "" MKL_PATHS ${MKL_PATH_WITH_PREFIX}) 44 ENDIF($ENV{MKL} MATCHES "mkl")
"CMakeLists.txt:304" is a bigger mystery as there are plenty of those files, butonly two of them contain line 304:
*********** ./alps/CMakeLists.txt ********* 300 301 # Lapack 302 if (NOT ALPS_FOR_VISTRAILS) 303 if (NOT LAPACK_FOUND) 304 find_package(Lapack) 305 endif (NOT LAPACK_FOUND) 306 if (LAPACK_FOUND) 307 set(ALPS_HAVE_LAPACK 1) 308 set(ALPS_HAVE_BLAS 1) 309 endif(LAPACK_FOUND)
*********** ./alps/src/boost/CMakeLists.txt ********* 300 set_target_properties(boost PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS BOOST_THREAD_BUILD_LIB=1) 301 endif(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) 302 endif(WIN32) 303 304 if (NOT ALPS_BUILD_SOURCE) 305 if(MSVC) 306 get_target_property(LIB_NAME ${ALPS_BOOST_LIBRARY_NAME} LOCATION) 307 add_custom_command(TARGET ${ALPS_BOOST_LIBRARY_NAME} POST_BUILD 308 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${LIB_NAME} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin) 309 endif(MSVC)
Somehow i feel that the first one is the right one.
My envs:
lacki@mieczyslaw:~/alps-2.1.1-r6176-src $ echo $MKL /opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.7.256/mkl
Regards, Mateusz Łącki