The output that you provide doesn’t show any useful debugging information, except that you are using Windows and that the scripts failed in the second part, i.e. where it is loading and evaluating the results.
I guess that something went wrong in the first part, i.e. when the mps_optim application was executed.
A common problem (but I’m not sure it is your problem) is that the latest Windows binaries contain an old (draft) version of the MPS applications. To be sure this is not your problem you should try out the 2.2b4 release, that you can try compiling from sources, e.g. in a Linux virtual machine, or using the Mac binaries.
Best regards, Michele
-- ETH Zurich Michele Dolfi Institute for Theoretical Physics HIT G 32.4 Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 27 8093 Zurich Switzerland
dolfim@phys.ethz.ch www.itp.phys.ethz.ch
+41 44 633 78 56 phone +41 44 633 11 15 fax
On 17 Oct 2015, at 14:08, Huaiming Guo hmguo@buaa.edu.cn wrote:
Dear All, I try the example script provided by alps. But the following information shows that there is an error. I attach the spin_one.py, which can also be found in the alps. What is the problem? Thank you very much.
Sincerely, Huaiming Guo
C:\alpsproject\mps>vispython spin_one.py
C:\alpsproject\mps>REM Copyright Matthias Troyer 2010-2013.
C:\alpsproject\mps>REM Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1. 0.
C:\alpsproject\mps>REM (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
C:\alpsproject\mps>REM http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
C:\alpsproject\mps>IF EXIST C:"Program Files"\VisTrails\Python27\python.exe C:\ "Program Files"\VisTrails\Python27\python.exe spin_one.py
C:\alpsproject\mps>IF EXIST C:"Program Files"\VisTrails\Python27_64\python.exe C:"Program Files"\VisTrails\Python27_64\python.exe spin_one.py mps_optim parm_spin_one.in.xml --write-xml Traceback (most recent call last): File "spin_one.py", line 57, in <module> for s in data[0]: IndexError: list index out of range
C:\alpsproject\mps>IF EXIST C:"Program Files (x86)"\VisTrails\Python27\python.e xe C:"Program Files (x86)"\VisTrails\Python27\python.exe spin_one.py
C:\alpsproject\mps>IF EXIST C:"Program Files"\VisTrails\vistrails\Python27\pyth on.exe C:"Program Files"\VisTrails\vistrails\Python27\python.exe spin_one.py
C:\alpsproject\mps>IF EXIST C:"Program Files"\VisTrails\vistrails\Python27_64\p ython.exe C:"Program Files"\VisTrails\vistrails\Python27_64\python.exe spin_one .py
C:\alpsproject\mps>IF EXIST C:"Program Files (x86)"\VisTrails\vistrails\Python2 7\python.exe C:"Program Files (x86)"\VisTrails\vistrails\Python27\python.exe sp in_one.py <spin_one.py>