Yes, indeed
On Dec 29, 2011, at 9:53 AM, Mateusz Łącki wrote:
Dear Matthias,
Thank you for your answer. If I understand correctly the problem is solved and results take into account this special case now?
Regards, Mateusz
This is a debug message which I added a while ago when solving a problem that we had because of finite resolution of floating point numbers. There is a chance of 1e-16 per site and unit imaginary time interval that two bosons hop away from two neighboring sites at exactly the same time. This case needs special consideration, and the notice was added to indicate that this case had happened.
On Dec 29, 2011, at 9:39 AM, Mateusz Łącki wrote:
Dear All, While running some QMC (worm) computation by MPI over several nodes I noticed "Avoided problem" message appearing fro time to time. It does not seem particularly dangerous, but is it possible to find out what was the problem in the first place?
Regards, Mateusz Łącki