Thank you Matthias for your help, do you know can I print the data for susceptibility in Ising's Model? Most of the other physical quantities I read the data using print command, but no the susceptibility.
Could you write the code to print susceptibility?
2015-07-16 15:04 GMT-03:00 Matthias Troyer
You can just print the dataset in Python and that way extract the data, instead of plotting it.
On 17 Jun 2015, at 15:21, Felipe da Cruz Rodrigues <> wrote:
Hello all.
Someone know how can I to acquire the data for susceptibility in Ising's Model (ex: tutorial 7)?
p.s.: I don't want the generated graphic for the susceptibility in vistrails, but only the data.
Thanks a lot!
-- Felipe da Cruz Rodrigues Mestrando em Física pela Universidade Federal de Lavras Graduado em Física (Licenciatura) - UFLA