Dear ALPS users,
I have a large list of tasks run from a given job file **, which got terminated after some tasks were completed; my *parm.out.xml* looks like this after the termination:
===========<SNIP-1>================= /......// //......// // <TASK status="finished">// // <INPUT file="parm.task62.out.xml"/>// // </TASK>// // <TASK status="finished">// // <INPUT file="parm.task63.out.xml"/>// // </TASK>// // <TASK status="new">// // <INPUT file="parm.task64.out.xml"/>// // </TASK>// // <TASK status="new">// //......// //....../ ============<SNIP-1>================
To restart the job from task64, I execute the command (without changing anything in the output files)
*worm**--Tmin 10 parm.out.xml*
Could you please confirm that this is correct? I ask because nothing seems to proceed after a while after executing the above:
============<SNIP-2>=============== /.........// //.........// //Loading information about run 1 from file parm.task62.out.run1// //Loading information about run 1 from file parm.task63.out.run1// //Task 1 finished.// //........// //........// / /Task 63 finished.// //Created run 1 locally// //Starting task 64.// //Checking if it is finished: not yet, next check in 10 seconds ( 0% done).// //Checking if it is finished: not yet, next check in 203 seconds ( 1% done).// //Checking if it is finished: not yet, next check in 174 seconds ( 23% done)./
From thereon the simulation just hangs for many hours (I've tried this
procedure repeatedly), which it should not because my SWEEPS and THERMALIZATION are not excessively large.
Any ideas on why the re-started simulations don't seem to proceed are appreciated.
With regards, Vipin