On Nov 4, 2009, at 3:04 PM, ALET Fabien wrote:
Dear Kruno,
Dear ALPS maintainers and users,
Thanks for your generous help and advice. I would like to calculate the Neel temperature of a 3D antiferromagnet within the Heisenberg model using the looper application as a function of ratio of the two main interactions, J2/ J1. The Binder ratio B(T) for different system dimensions L seems like the easiest way to calculate the transition temperature.
Both interactions are unfortunately antiferromagnetic, giving rise to a small frustration. The lattice is not bipartite anymore as soon as the J2 is introduced. This removes the possibility of using the staggered magnetization Ms, Ms^2, Ms^4 and the Binder ratio Bs=<Ms^4>/(<Ms^2>)^2.
the staggered magnetization seems to be no longer defined for such a model. Can one easily add it in some way?