Dear Ryo,
thanks a lot for the reply. Setting -DBLA_VENDOR did not work for me, but looking at FindLAPACK.cmake gave some hints. In the end setting export MKL_HOME=$SOFTSRV/intel/mkl/10.0.011 and on the cmake command line cmake ... -DQMC_BITS=64 -DLAPACK_LINKER_FLAGS="-lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lmkl_intel_lp64" ... worked fine.
Best regards, Hartmut
Le 21.12.2010 à 04:33, Ryo IGARASHI a écrit :
Hi, Harmut,
On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 5:31 AM, Hartmut Hafermann wrote:
I am having trouble to install alps-2.0.0rc4 with MKL support (I tried several things). What is the proper cmake command to compile with LAPACK and BLAS support from MKL 10.x ?
Well, LAPACK/BLAS setting in ALPS is rather complicated, but if you have
If you have Fortran compiler installed, and if you install MKL in the usual directory, and if you compile on x86_64 machine (64bit), -DBLA_VENDOR=Intel10_64lp will be the easiest setting. This setting comes from CMake upstream, so look at the $CMAKE_ROOT/lib/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindLAPACK.cmake for further information (and naming convention for BLA_VENDOR).
Note that this setting is executed at the end of LAPACK detection code from ALPS, you may have to remove MKL related environment variable.
Best regards,
Ryo IGARASHI, Ph.D. OpenPGP fingerprint: BAD9 71E3 28F3 8952 5640 6A53 EC79 A280 6A19 2319