Dear Kaveh Edalt,
Please apply the patch attached at the end of this email to tool/ and rebuild alps, or edit directly the very last line in /opt/alps/bin/lattice-preview as
python "$SCRIPTDIR/" "$@" < /dev/null &
then start lattice-preview, e.g.
lattice-preview LATTICE="square lattice" L=8
Note that you need wxPython and vtk modules for lattice-preview to work correctly.
Best, Synge
On 2012/10/27, at 19:16, kaveh edalat wrote:
Dear All
I want to make a new lattice, but before serious calculation, I like to see the lattice.
I searched in the alps mailing list and I found that probably "lattice-preview" should be a tool for visualization of lattices in ALPS. But I have two problem: first, when simply I type "lattice-preview" in the terminal I receive the following error:
/opt/alps/bin/lattice-preview: 30: /opt/alps/lib/python/alps/ Permission denied
Is there anyone to know why I receive the error?
second, If we suppose the "lattice-preview" works well, what is the input file for this program?
thanks in advanced
Kaveh Edalat
--- Index: tool/ =================================================================== --- tool/ (revision 6473) +++ tool/ (working copy) @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ # for Mac OS X Snow Leopard VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT=yes export VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT - arch -i386 @PYTHON_EXECUTABLE@ "$SCRIPTDIR/" $@ < /dev/null & + arch -i386 @PYTHON_INTERPRETER@ "$SCRIPTDIR/" "$@" < /dev/null & else - @PYTHON_EXECUTABLE@ "$SCRIPTDIR/" $@ < /dev/null & + @PYTHON_INTERPRETER@ "$SCRIPTDIR/" "$@" < /dev/null & fi