Hi Jessica,
on the ibm machines it seems that HZ is a predefined macro, which renders the corresponding line in the looper code invalid.
perhaps one has to include an ibm workaround in the relevant looper files which looks roughly like the line below (I'm not sure about the capitalization though)
#ifdef HZ #undefine HZ #endif
On Nov 3, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Matthias Troyer wrote:
Hi Jessica,
The best might really be if you upgrade to the latest version of the IBM compiler or use the GNU compiler instead.
For your comments, the first is a compiler issue which you will only solve by using a standard compliant compiler. There is no workaround for that compiler bug.
- The second error (related to applications) is:
"/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/jalfonsi/alps-2.0.0b4-r4959-src-with- boost/alps/applications/qmc/looper/looper/model_parameter.h", line 49.10: 1540-0063 (S) The text "100" is unexpected.
Here I do not see the text 100 in the current version. Can you please send the file? I would generally recommend that you upgrade to the latest nightly snapshot instead of the b4 release.
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