To whom it may concern,
When I use the mps_evolve to calculate the time evolution of Fermi-Hubbard, there are some problems that I can not solve. The python file and the error information are shown as follow.
best, Xiaofan Zhou
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The python file is:
import pyalps import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pyalps.plot import numpy as np from collections import OrderedDict from copy import deepcopy basename = 'fermi' ## common model parameters model = OrderedDict() model['LATTICE_LIBRARY' ] = 'lattices.xml' model['LATTICE'] = 'open chain lattice' model['L' ] = 20 model['MODEL_LIBRARY' ] = 'models.xml' model['MODEL' ] = 'fermion Hubbard' model['CONSERVED_QUANTUMNUMBERS'] = 'Nup,Ndown' model['Nup_total' ] = 5 model['Ndown_total' ] = 5 model['t' ] = 1 model['U' ] = 1 model['MAXSTATES'] = 100 model['MEASURE_LOCAL[Local Nup]'] = 'n_up' model['MEASURE_LOCAL[Local Ndown]'] = 'n_down' #prepare the input parameters parms = [] for tau in [20.0]: ns = 50 dt = tau / ns p = deepcopy(model) p['init_state' ] = 'local_quantumnumbers' p['initial_local_Nup'] = ','.join((['0.5']+ ['0.0'])* 10) p['initial_local_Ndown'] = ','.join((['0.5']+ ['0.0'])* 10) p['te_order' ] = 'second' p['DT' ] = dt p['TIMESTEPS'] = ns p['tau' ] = tau # not used in the simulation, but useful in the evaluation below p['ALWAYS_MEASURE'] = 'Local Nup' p['chkp_each' ] = ns p['measure_each' ] = 5 p['COMPLEX' ] = 1 parms.append(p) ## write input files and run application input_file = pyalps.writeInputFiles(basename, parms) res = pyalps.runApplication('mps_evolve', input_file)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The error is,
ALPS/MPS Time Evolution version MAQUIS repo r4143 (2013-2014) Density Matrix Renormalization Group algorithm available from copyright (c) 2013 Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich copyright (c) 2010-2011 by Bela Bauer copyright (c) 2011-2013 by Michele Dolfi for details see the publication: M. Dolfi et al., Computer Physics Communications 185, 3430 (2014). doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2014.08.019
based on the ALPS libraries version 2.2.b5 available from copyright (c) 1994-2013 by the ALPS collaboration. Consult the web page for license details. For details see the publication: B. Bauer et al., J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P05001.
Running task 1. This binary contains symmetries: nu1 MAQUIS repo r4143 Temporary storage is disabled site_types: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 phys[0]: |( <2,2,0,0,0,0>: 1 )( <2,0,0,0,0,0>: 1 )( <0,2,0,0,0,0>: 1 )( <0,0,0,0,0,0>: 1 )| Abort by signal 11
In /home/sxdxcg/alps-2.2.b5-src-with-boost/alps/src/alps/ngs/lib/signal.cpp on 104 in segfault /home/sxdxcg/alps_b5/lib/ [0x7f8858184d6b] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f88567cfcb0] mps_evolve(_ZNK9ALPSModelIN4alps7numeric6matrixISt7complexIdESt6vectorIS4_SaIS4_EEEE12NU1_templateILi6EiEE11initializerERK7LatticeR14BaseParameters+0x7fb) [0x5e5c5b] mps_evolve(_ZN3simIN4alps7numeric6matrixISt7complexIdESt6vectorIS4_SaIS4_EEEE12NU1_templateILi6EiEEC1ERK14DmrgParameters+0xf63) [0x4fe1f3] mps_evolve(_ZN9tevol_simIN4alps7numeric6matrixISt7complexIdESt6vectorIS4_SaIS4_EEEE12NU1_templateILi6EiE25nearest_neighbors_evolverIS8_SA_EEC1ERK14DmrgParametersb+0x26) [0x4fe9a6] mps_evolve(_ZN10simulationI12NU1_templateILi6EiEE3runER14DmrgParametersb+0x32c) [0x4ff7cc] mps_evolve(_Z7run_simRKN5boost10filesystem4pathES3_bd+0x1b20) [0x49bf20] mps_evolve(_ZN9Scheduler3runEv+0x1d8) [0x55cef8] mps_evolve(main+0xbf) [0x49667f] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f8855c1176d] mps_evolve() [0x4973d5] Aborted (core dumped)