I am using ALPS qmc codes (currently looper because of a non 0 transverse field) with a honneycomb unitcell containing with 24 sites lying themselves on a regular smaller honeycomb lattice.
My question : is there an "automatic" way to make ALPS calculate the structure factors corresponding to the smaller underlying lattice without having to define by hand the N^2 corresponding structure factors.
Let me be more precise : if i define a square unitcell (to simplify) of linear size "a" and a system of (linear) length "Na" and ask for the structure factors, I will get all the S(q) with q=(2pi nx/L,2pi ny/L) and n ranging from 1 to N but if I define a system of only ONE unitcell of length Na, ALPS apparently only calculates the structure factors corresponding to q=(0,0) because the size of the system is 1.
I need to work with a 24 sites unitcell, but I also need to get information about the 24 structure factors.
Many thanks,