Hi all,
Thers is a confusing problem when I try to install the ALPS library.
The configure line I used: ./configure --prefix=/home/gontp/app/alps1 --with-boost=/home/gontp/app/boost_1_33_1 --with-blas-dir=/usr/lib --with-blas="-lblas -lf2c" --with-lapack-dir=/usr/lib --with-lapack="-llapack -lblas -lf2c" CXXFLAGS="-O2 -g" CXX=g++
the liblapack.a and libblas.a are already included in the /usr/lib but the result is always like this
Summary of configuration: ALPS version 1.3.4 prefix /home/gontp/app/alps1 compiler type gnu [g++] optimization yes exceptions yes warnings no Boost version 1_33 MPI support no HDF5 support no LAPACK support no SQLite support no XML parser native Documentation no
*with LAPACK_support no *
Is there anything wrong in my configure line?
Thank you
PS: Linux=Ubuntu 9.04 and the g++ version=4.3.3