On Apr 24, 2011, at 4:54 PM, Algis Garliauskas wrote:
Oh, Hi Dear Matthias, I very hard disappointed on an installing as ALPS1 and ALPS2. I lost even I had: ALPS2 was installed successfully til make test with tree mistakes but I didn't noticed next step "make install". After some numeric manipulations fighting with test errors I lost what I have - installing of ALPS2. Any tryings to restore installation were not succeeded. You in one letter to user have written that before new attempt of configuring cmake or make it is needed to destroy old installing.
Just build it in a clean directory.
What kind command is in uninstall? My boost/boost is in ~/Alps2/alps2/boost/boost.This long path is from my no experience.
The ~ does not work in paths. You need to write the full explicit path to the place where you installed boost.