Dear Fu-Jiun,
On 2009/11/05, at 22:27, Fu-Jiun Jiang ITP wrote:
- Can one force Alps to measure only k = 0 or k = \pi/2 part of the
structure function? Looking into the code, I know how this can be done in the sse_dirloop code (one just cooks up his/her measurements) , how about the looper?
For simple hypercubic lattices (chain, square, simple cubic, ...), "Magnetization Density^2" and "Staggered Magnetization Density^2" are equal to S(0) and S(pi/2) (divided by then number of sites), respectively.
- Does alps already take into account the prefactor for each type
of sublattices when measure the structure function. For example, for honeycomb lattice, since one got two type of sublattices, it is useful to use +1 for one type sublattice and -1 for another type of sublattice.
We already have "Staggered Magnetization Density^2", "Staggered Susceptibility", etc.