I just started with ALPS and the Fedora OS. I am using a machine with Fedora 21 OS and I think I managed to build ALPS from alps-2.2.b4-src-with-boost.tar.gz http://alps.comp-phys.org/static/software/releases/alps-2.2.b4-src-with-boost.tar.gz. Following the installation instructions in the website, I am now in the "Building Vistrails and ALPS visrails package from source on Linux" section. I suppose that visrails is independent of ALPS. I installed the required packages for vistrails. I untar-ed vistrails-src-2.2.4-1519abc0ae2b.tar.gz http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/vistrails/vistrails/v2.2.4/vistrails-src-2.2.4-1519abc0ae2b.tar.gz and did the last step shown in the vistrails webste:
[resperanza@obiwan ~]$ cd /home/sand/resperanza/Downloads/vistrails-src-2.2.4-1519abc0ae2b/vistrails [resperanza@obiwan vistrails]$ python vistrails.py python: can't open file 'vistrails.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
and the error shows. I also cannot find the file vistrails.py in he extracted files. I appreciate your help. Also, is Vistrails a required software to run ALPS? Thank you.
Regards, Robertson Esperanza