Just look at the tutorials and documentation that are linked from the main page
On May 22, 2011, at 6:21 AM, Martin Hohenadler wrote:
Dear Matthias,
Can you point me to a tutorial/documentation for the successor of those tools? The Monte Carlo documentation I found was in terms of the extracttext.
On 05/21/2011 07:43 PM, Matthias Troyer wrote:
Dear Martin,
These XSLT-based tools of ALPS 1 are deprecated in ALPS 2, and you need to turn on a special configuration option to still install them. I don't know if the Ubuntu package has changed in that regards. Maybe Olivier can tell you more.
On May 15, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Martin Hohenadler wrote:
Dear all,
I just installed the ALPS 2.0.1 Ubuntu package alps2all on Natty. Things work out of the box, but I can not find the xml tools such as extracttext anywhere. I don't remember doing anything extra the last time I installed ALPS.
Dr Martin Hohenadler
Institute for Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics University of Würzburg Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg
Tel: +49 (0)151 53506248 (mobile)
email: martin.hohenadler@physik.uni-wuerzburg.de web : www.hohenadler.com ====================================================