Dear Prof. Troyer,
Thank you for your replying. One of my out put file is the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="file:///u/he/warter/ALPS/lib/xml/ALPS.xsl"?> <SIMULATION xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""> <PARAMETERS> <PARAMETER name="LATTICE_LIBRARY">lattices.xml</PARAMETER> <PARAMETER name="LATTICE">inhomogeneous simple cubic lattice</PARAMETER> <PARAMETER name="L">5</PARAMETER> <PARAMETER name="MODEL_LIBRARY">models.xml</PARAMETER> <PARAMETER name="MODEL">hardcore boson</PARAMETER> <PARAMETER name="t">1.0</PARAMETER> <PARAMETER name="T">0.1</PARAMETER> <PARAMETER name="delta">10.0</PARAMETER> <PARAMETER name="SWEEPS">500000</PARAMETER> <PARAMETER name="THERMALIZATION">10000</PARAMETER> <PARAMETER name="EPSILON">0.25</PARAMETER> <PARAMETER name="DISORDERSEED">65897</PARAMETER> <PARAMETER name="mu">delta*2*(random()-0.5)</PARAMETER> <PARAMETER name="SEED">668368703</PARAMETER> </PARAMETERS> <AVERAGES> <SCALAR_AVERAGE name="Density"> <COUNT>497664</COUNT> <MEAN method="jackknife">0.52646836</MEAN> <ERROR converged="yes" method="jackknife">2.09e-05</ERROR> <VARIANCE method="simple">5.45e-05</VARIANCE> <AUTOCORR method="jackknife">1.5</AUTOCORR> </SCALAR_AVERAGE> <SCALAR_AVERAGE name="Density^2"> <COUNT>497664</COUNT> <MEAN method="jackknife">34.652926</MEAN> <ERROR converged="yes" method="jackknife">0.00276</ERROR> <VARIANCE method="simple">0.944</VARIANCE> <AUTOCORR method="jackknife">1.5</AUTOCORR> </SCALAR_AVERAGE> <SCALAR_AVERAGE name="Energy"> <COUNT>497664</COUNT> <MEAN method="jackknife">-251.9492</MEAN> <ERROR converged="yes" method="jackknife">0.0221</ERROR> <VARIANCE method="simple">64.1</VARIANCE> <AUTOCORR method="jackknife">1.4</AUTOCORR> </SCALAR_AVERAGE> <SCALAR_AVERAGE name="Energy Density"> <COUNT>497664</COUNT> <MEAN method="jackknife">-2.0155936</MEAN> <ERROR converged="yes" method="jackknife">0.000177</ERROR> <VARIANCE method="simple">0.0041</VARIANCE> <AUTOCORR method="jackknife">1.4</AUTOCORR> </SCALAR_AVERAGE> <SCALAR_AVERAGE name="Stiffness"> <COUNT>497664</COUNT> <MEAN method="jackknife">2.17262</MEAN> <ERROR converged="yes" method="jackknife">0.00305</ERROR> <VARIANCE method="simple">3.16</VARIANCE> 1,1
Top .....................
In the mean time, I will try to use ALPS 2.0. Thank you.
Best, Xiaoquan
Today's Topics:
- Re: Extracting dates (Matthias Troyer)
- Re: Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya in spinmc (Matthias Troyer)
Message: 1 Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2011 23:03:46 +0200 From: Matthias Troyer Subject: Re: [ALPS-users] Extracting dates To: Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Can you send your output files? The problem is probably that mu is not just a number. You might also look into using ALPS 2 instead which has much better plotting and evaluation tools.
On Feb 4, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Xiao Quan Yu wrote:
Dear ALPS community,
I met a trouble for extracting the calculated results from the
XML output files. My setting is the following:
plot2.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<plot name="Stiffness versus disorder for three-dimesnional HardcoreBoson models">
<legend show="true"/> <xaxis label="Disorder" type="PARAMETER" name="mu"/> <yaxis label="Stiffness" type="SCALAR_AVERAGE"/>
<set label="Inhomogeneous simple cubic lattice"/>
and my "input" file is
LATTICE_LIBRARY="lattices.xml"; LATTICE="inhomogeneous simple cubic lattice"; L=5; MODEL_LIBRARY="models.xml"; MODEL="hardcore boson"; t = 1.0; T = 0.1; delta=10.0; SWEEPS=500000; THERMALIZATION=10000; EPSILON=0.25; { DISORDERSEED = 34275; mu=delta*2*(random()-0.5); } { DISORDERSEED = 49802; mu=delta*2*(random()-0.5); } { DISORDERSEED = 82529; mu=delta*2*(random()-0.5); } { DISORDERSEED = 13564; mu=delta*2*(random()-0.5); } { DISORDERSEED = 65897; mu=delta*2*(random()-0.5); }.
When I typed the command "extracttext plot2.xml input.task*.out.xml", the following thing happend:
plot2.xml:4: parser error : XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
unable to parse plot2.xml /tmp/archive2plot3652.xsl:1: parser error : Document is empty
^ /tmp/archive2plot3652.xsl:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found
^ cannot parse /tmp/archive2plot3652.xsl /tmp/plot3652:1: parser error : Document is empty
^ /tmp/plot3652:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found
^ unable to parse /tmp/plot3652
I don't know what is going on here, could you help me figure it out? Thank you in advance!
Best, Xiaoquan
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Message: 2 Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2011 23:11:48 +0200 From: Matthias Troyer Subject: Re: [ALPS-users] Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya in spinmc To: Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Dear Francesco,
The source code needs to be modified, but it is very easy to write such a code. Anyone in my group at ETH can teach you how to do that. I'm on vacation and without good internet this week but we can meet next week, or you can ask others on my group whether they can help you. Writing a local update code for your model should not take more than half a day at the most.
On Feb 2, 2011, at 6:32 PM, Francesco Casola wrote:
Dear ALPS community,
could you please let me know about the possibility of including Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya in spinmc, possibly through the presence of an off-diagonal exchange coupling constant?
Is it necessary to modify the source code for such a case, or can I manage it in some other way not explicitly mentioned in the ALPS tutorial?
Best wishes Francesco
-- Francesco Casola, Ph. D. Student Laboratory for Solid State Physics ETH Z?rich H?nggerberg HPF E15.1 Schafmattstrasse 16 CH-8093 Switzerland
Tel. Office: +41 (0)44 633 22 96 / 03 Tel. Lab: +41 (0)44 633 23 01 E-mail:
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End of Comp-phys-alps-users Digest, Vol 59, Issue 4
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