Dear all,
I intend to perform a DMRG calculation for a dimerized antiferromagnetic chain, i.e.
H=J\sum(1+(-1)^j d)S_j S_j+1.
I'm not quite sure, if I use the proper definitions in my program. Thus I would like to reassure myself. Do you think, it will be appropriate to run the program with the following specifications?
LATTICE="open chain lattice" LATTICE_LIBRARY="C:\Programme\ALPS\lib\xml\lattices.xml" MODEL_LIBRARY="C:\Programme\ALPS\lib\xml\models.xml" MODEL="spin" CONSERVED_QUANTUMNUMBERS="N,Sz" Sz_total=0 J=1 J2=2 SWEEPS=6 NUMBER_EIGENVALUES=1 MEASURE_AVERAGE[Magnetization]=Sz MEASURE_AVERAGE[Exchange]=exchange MEASURE_LOCAL[Local magnetization]=Sz MEASURE_CORRELATIONS[Diagonal spin correlations]=Sz MEASURE_CORRELATIONS[Offdiagonal spin correlations]="Splus:Sminus" L=100 { MAXSTATES=30 }
Any helpfull comment would be highly appreciated.
Best regards,