Dear Prof. Todo,
Thank you for your reply! I have added these two lines into my code, and print the measurements out:
set(['Magnetization^2', 'Binder Cumulant', 'Specific Heat', '|Magnetization|', 'Magnetization^4', '|Staggered Magnetization|', 'Staggered Magnetization^2', 'E.Magnetization^4’, 'E.Magnetization^2', 'Energy Density', 'Susceptibility', 'beta * Energy / sqrt(N)', 'Magnetization along Field', 'Magnetization^4 slope', 'Connected Susceptibility', 'Magnetization^2 slope', 'Binder Cumulant U2', 'Cluster size', 'Bond-type Energy', 'Energy', 'Bond-type Energy Density', 'Energy^2', '(beta * Energy)^2 / N', 'Binder Cumulant slope'])
I don’t find an observable like the <\cos\theta>, or which of the measurements above can give me the directions of the magnetization. Please forgive me if this is a silly question, I am a 1st-year graduate student learning how to use ALPS. Thank you!
Regards, Wei
On Sep 30, 2020, at 09:45, Synge Todo wrote:
Dear Wei,
You can obtain a list of measurements by
data = pyalps.loadMeasurements(pyalps.getResultFiles(prefix='data/parmXY')) measurements = { item.props['observable'] for item in pyalps.flatten(data) }
Best, Synge
On Sep 30, 2020, at 9:49, Wei Wang wrote:
I am just new to ALPS, and I have a silly question about running MC simulations of XY model:
Following the tutorials, I use python to run the simulations and change the model from “Ising” to “XY”, like:
import pyalps
parms = [ { 'LATTICE': "square lattice", 'T': 1, 'J': 1, 'THERMALIZATION': 10000, 'SWEEPS': 400000, 'UPDATE': "cluster", 'MODEL': "XY", 'L': 8 } ]
input_file = pyalps.writeInputFiles('data/parmXY', parms) pyalps.runApplication('spinmc', input_file, Tmin=5) result_files = pyalps.getResultFiles(prefix='data/parmXY')
data = pyalps.loadMeasurements(result_files)
how can I get some observables like <\cos\theta>, where \theta is the direction of the spin at each site? If such a quantity is not provided directly by ALPS, is there a possible method to get these quantities I want. I just get lost when I see the source code of ALPS.
Thank you in advance!
Best, Wei
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