For Linux it should work with any version of Vistrails downloaded in the past month
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On Jul 19, 2010, at 12:54 AM, Noah Rahman wrote:
Dear Prof. Troyer,
rev 1832 of Vistrails 1.5 is current enough, correct?
Thanks for your earlier help re: bash/dash.
Best, Noah
On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Matthias Troyer wrote: Dear ALPS developers and users,
The next beta release of ALPS is available. Updates compared to b2 include:
- updated the ALPS VisTrails package to VisTrails version 1.5
- updated the DMRG application and added tutorials for DMRG
- fixed compatibility issue with Windows in the MC-07 tutorial
- fixed compatibility issues with some Linux shells
On Windows please make sure to uninstall VisTrails and the ALPS VisTrails extension before installing VisTrails 1.5 and ALPS 2.0b3
Matthias Troyer