Can you send your CMakeCache.txt file? Did you specify a Fortran compiler?
On Jul 13, 2013, at 3:54, Joseph Prentice wrote:
Hi everyone, I've been trying to install ALPS in order to use TEBD on Mac OS X 10.7.5, by building it from source. I've also been using MacPorts in order to get the dependent libraries. Using MacPorts, I have installed the ports (and variants) 'cmake +gui' and 'hdf5-18 +fortran +openmpi', and I have directly downloaded ALPS and Boost 1.50.0, following the instructions on the 'Building ALPS from source' page on the ALPS wiki. However, when I try to run the command:
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Volumes/Scratch/Build_Directory /home/prentice/Downloads/alps-2.1.1-r6176-src-with-boost/alps
(which I use because I am not an administrator on my Mac, so I don't have writing privileges), ALPS seems to build, but I get the message 'tebd will not be built'. Can anyone give me some help on how to fix this? I'm very new to pretty much everything I'm using here, so any help would be much appreciated.
I'll attach the full text from the Terminal.
Thanks, Joseph Prentice
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