Hi Matthias.
I get autocorrelation times ranging from 1.96 - 51.5. I'm guessing that they are in the same units as the thermalization? However, I do get 5 infinities for Tau out of 51 runs: 4 "nan" for 8x8 (t/U = 0.025, 0.03, 0.035, 0.04), and 1 "nan" for 3x3 (for t/U = 0.025) which can be ignored for scaling probably.
On Sun, 17 Oct 2010, Matthias Troyer wrote:
On 15 Oct 2010, at 02:37, Vipin Varma wrote:
I ran some simulations using the worm-algorithm for softcore bosons (Nmax = 2) on the kagome for determining the MI-SF transition. I get convergent results (3x3, 6x6, 9x9 lattices) and a just-ok scaling law (with 600000 sweeps and 150000 thermalization); my understanding is that there should be no sign-problem for this algorithm on this model. Can someone confirm this, or must I experiment with the sweeps and thermalization?
Thanks, Vipin
Hi Vipin,
if the hopping terms all have negative amplitude (positive t) then there will be no sign problem. 3x3 seems to be too small to get any reasonable scaling 150000 thermalization might be a bit excessive. What do you get for the autocorrelation times of the superfluid density (winding)?